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This website won't set any cookies on your computer directly from its own code, however it does make use of a services that will – Intense Debate (the comment system).

Please refer to ID's cookie and privacy policies for more information. As a general guide, cookies from Intense Debate are used in the processing of website comments.

Other third-party services that are occasionally used by this website may also set cookies – for example Youtube. This is a feature common to all websites that use such services. If you don't like the idea of third-party services such as Youtube tracking you across different websites (and you shouldn't), then please refer to this article, which explains the issues in greater detail.


As is the case with all websites, this site will automatically collect some information about your visit – for example your IP address and time of visit, and the pages you viewed. In general, the information can't personally identify you - your internet service provider can match an IP address to your name, but I can't.

Data collected in the above manner is used to analyse traffic and visitor trends, and for diagnostic and technical purposes. Your information will never be given to anyone else, except in cases of requests for disclosure that must be obeyed by law – which is highly unlikely.

Use of, and data collected by third-party additions to this website provided by Google and Intense Debate etc. may also subject to those services' terms, conditions and privacy policies.

User data may occasionally be published (for example to give an indication of visitor trends), but only in an aggregated and anonymous fashion (see this article for an example).
As of 14.06.13, this website no longer gathers data using Google Analytics.

Further Reading

Intense Debate Privacy Policy
Intense Debate Terms of Service
Google Privacy Policy
Google Analytics Privacy Information
Google Advertising Privacy Information
Information about cookies used by Google
How cookies are used by Youtube's advertising

Computer Security and Privacy - Javascript and Cookies
The Trouble with Twitter (includes information about how URL-shortening services can compromise privacy)

Edit 31.01.13: Incorrect publish date removed (30.12.09).
Edit 14.06.13: Updated following the removal of Google Analytics from the website.