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Sadiq Khan gives lukewarm 'Endorsement' for the NHS to Contribute to Road Gritting Costs

The Northern Echo reports that Sadiq Khan, Transport Minister, has endorsed the approach taken by Durham County Council to paying for road gritting - they managed to get £1M out of the local NHS to "reduce the number of people treated after slipping on icy roads and pavements".

The payment provoked a hospital governor to resign in protest.

The 'endorsement' in question reads as follows:

"Asked in the House of Commons by Croydon MP Andrew Pelling whether would 'look positively' at the Durham approach in a bid to reduce hospital admissions, he replied: 'I am keen to consider whether the Department of Health and Department for Transport can work better together and whether lessons can be learned from Durham that can be used in London and other parts of the country.'"

Image from Wikipedia - © (Creative Commons A-SA3.0) Joseph Barillari